
Age 25


Philadelphia, PA

Joined on 1/11/22

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5,650 / 5,880
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6.48 votes
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Art Scouts
Police Lieutenant
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B/P Bonus:
2y 2m 16d

Mantis's News

Posted by Mantis - 3 weeks ago

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that the t shirts have been shipped and will arrive shortly if they haven't already! Some orders had samples of some keychains I'm working on which can be seen below! iu_1258638_10255029.webp


Posted by Mantis - 1 month ago

The T-shirts are being printed this week and will be picked up to be shipped out at the end of this week or early next! Thank you so much for bearing with @seven and I, I just finally sold my car (it's a 1999 Honda and it's finally bit the dust) so I have to use the bus back and forth to do this while also balancing my job. I'll get these out as soon as I possibly can! You guys are the best and thank you again I'll have some goodies to throw in the orders as well :)


Posted by Mantis - August 5th, 2024

@nicksenny @seven and I got shown real power dynamics last night with Alan Resnick. 1 very funny hour with Alan in which I totally wasn’t subjected to anything mind altering or disturbing…iu_1247472_10255029.pngiu_1247471_10255029.png



Posted by Mantis - August 4th, 2024

Had a blast at short short fest with everyone! Glad it wasn't completely ruined by the rain!

The homies-














Posted by Mantis - August 3rd, 2024

Hey guys thanks for grabbing shirts I’m so glad everyone liked them as much as they did. I’m in the works on the actual full blown website on big cartel and I’m making sim assets for it right now ! I’m like the metal steel/ Metalheart aesthetic so that’ll be a big part of the artwork coming out in the next few months.



Posted by Mantis - July 4th, 2024

Hey guys I've set up my website to have the T shirt available for pre order now. The T shirt will be availble for 1 month after the posting of this news post and pre orders will be closed august 4th. We take Venmo, Paypal, Debit, and Credit so whatever works for you! Follow the link below to get yours secured!!!!!!! Sizes available are between xs and 2xl.

Click here to be linked to the shop!


pre orders will be open till 8/4/2024

Shirts will start shipping one week after closing date!


here is the trailer for the shirt below by @malfromed

Too many games more like TOO MANY FRIENDSSSS thank you guys( everyone I met) you're all amazing and wonderful people!

@connorgrail @deucelegoose @nicksenny @seven @teravex @MSGhero(we finally got to eat together 1 year later lol)

I ate maybe like a 1 lb of nachos at the perky and it physically hurt (worth it tho)


@Ninjamuffin99 and I flexing so hard the air around us was flexing as well. Look at that vascularity we've been pushing weight DAILY. I dropped a little bit of liquid on my pants sad times made me look like an ipad baby.


alien hominid goo soda please?


@imprez it was so nice to see you again brotha!!!!!


@nicksenny it was great time hanging for a bit and catching up on all the weird retro shit that was there! I need those zombies ate my neighbors pillows


Censored image for big hoss the main man


I don't have the pic of us out to dinner but thanks @psychogoldfish and @luis and @squidly had a great time!!!

@Tom Thanks dude I had a really great time seeing everyone again as well as meeting new faces. Always a great time talking about the games and art we love on the site.


@seven and I made a Newgrounds Vibri flavored t-shirt that is available now for pre-order Tom is wearing it above^^^^^^ so if you wanna get that Tom swagger click the link at the top of the post or right here ABANDONWEAR

Lastly @seven and I moved in together around Roxborough Philly! so we're still getting settled!


Thanks again guys for showing your support and keeping me going. Cannot wait for the future of abandonwear and all the cool clothes and accessories we will be coming out with.


meme made by @disconnecty



Posted by Mantis - May 29th, 2024

I'll hopefully have some t shirts to hand out at TMG with a newgrounds logo I've been working on!



Posted by Mantis - May 23rd, 2024

Hey guys I had an amazing time at Pico Day in Jersey and just wanted to catch up with ya'll! @7chains and I picked up @blakenator9872 from the philly airport and then made my way over to @smugerryarugerry. We got to pico day a little early and mingled with everyone in the lobby sharing stickers. Smug then did pushups for everyone destroying any sort of record and obliterating all competition. I think one of the coolest parts about pico day was I got the chance to make the DVD art for @pukebomb's first animation compilation. Thank you so much guys for letting me do that I was really amped about it!

I'm really sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone, but I'll be reaching out to anyone I can remember and please feel free to comment if we met too!

Thanks @raviolibox for talking with me and 7chains real quick you're incredibly nice!

@brandybuizel Thank you for organizing this annnnnnnd everyone else who helped to bring us all together for a crazy night!

Quick picture of Blake 7chains and I at the Philly airport (at like 5 am)

I'll update this post when I get the pics of smug and us!




Posted by Mantis - May 17th, 2024

Hey guys I'm so sorry I've been gone for a long time I've been going through a lot and finally have been able to get myself situated and stable!!! I'm gonna be posting way more on here and actually be active starting today!!! I had a brief break from social media just so I could focus on some other important things IRL. I can't wait to see you guys for the pico day meetup it means so much to me to be able to grow as an artist and meet new faces while having a blast. I love seeing all your guys new work and what you're up to!

If you're wondering where a lot of my art went I ended up deleting a lot of stuff I didn't like or didn't feel I tried hard enough on.

Also I wanted to show you guys a tile that was submitted, but was in a file that wouldn't open properly. I was able to get it into the Collab and post it here so people can see it! Thanks so much to @Exlhk for the submission



Posted by Mantis - December 8th, 2023

This year for pixel day we will be celebrating with a Newgrounds themed pixel collab this can be themed with any characters animations or pretty much anything you can find on Newgrounds! (Very important to stick with the theme). We are going to be sticking with the color palette from last collab since we all seemed to like that one. Basically we're doing a skyscraper type of collab where everyone does a floor and together it makes a building when stacked on top of each other. Instead we're gonna go DOWNWARD and show the depths of the Newgrounds office and what goes on underneath

We would love to add as many floors to the image as possible but the max image capacity is gonna be capped at 40. If this sounds fun and you're interested read below!






We have 39 spaces available so it's first come first serve!

---all artists who are apart of the collab will be put into a list at the bottom of this page confirming you are in the collab---

The Template is 256x144, they have a border around them for you already. You just have to fill in the blank space!

(-this border is to help establish the underground setting and help everyone's tile cohesively blend together-)

(I will edit it later once completed so it is much less static looking) 

---Basic Rules---

(-) We will be working in the bubblegum 16 color palette located below for download

(-) The first tile is the Newgrounds office building. (This has been taken already by @tanktheta)

(-) Every tile (floor) below it is a floor in the "Newgrounds office basement"

(-) Each tile must be Newgrounds themed in some sort of way this was stated earlier but I'm just putting it here again in case people missed this detail!

(-) the template has a border that represents the concrete surrounding your basement floor. Do not edit this you must draw within the borders for the effect to work best!

(-) Each tile will be styled as if it were a floor of a building however you do that is completely up to you, examples are down below for some different styles/inspiration

(-) Each artist has until January 21st to complete their tiles(floors)!

(-) Each artist must be scouted in the art portal!



(-) send me the png or aseprite file via dm!







(-) you can use 3d perspective or any sort of perspective, as the borders (in the template) and animation we are planning on using will help create the illusion of elevator doors opening to your art! The only sort of point you're trying to get across is you're staring into a room of some sort. 


We will be trying to get as many of these done as possible so if you're interested please DM me and we can get you assigned to one of the templates!

---if you have played hotel city or other skyscraper sims it'll be formatted like that!---

some examples on this sort of style are available below


Art by margarita solianova


---artist unknown---


art by badmoodtaylor



  1. @tanktheta
  2. @thebestbroster
  3. @Dreamspectre
  4. @mechanicalmantis
  5. @unculturedmutt
  6. @eldritchsaxes
  7. @malfromed
  8. @mohd5aqer
  9. @deoozeter
  10. @intrapath
  11. @Stylusbox
  12. @RayHamilton
  13. @schreckengast
  14. @TheDyingSun
  15. @Tomafokio
  16. @unknownisaaaaa
  17. @redead-ita
  18. @tangostar
  19. @anonymous-frog
  20. @MaxiGAlexan
  21. @Exlhk
  22. @OnceHere
  23. @wamyremy
  24. @jetluvzram3n
  25. @urban-pyramid
  26. @saffrox7650
  27. @retro-phantom
  28. @mangoneng
  29. @khaoskitsune617
